Controlling ERP System Costs – The obstacles are significant

Controlling ERP System Costs
–  The Obstacles are Significant

How much does an ERP system cost?  It depends . . .

An informed buyer can arrange initial and ongoing ERP access costs for about half what the average buyer actually pays. Furthermore, this buyer achieves considerably better access terms which gives them important commercial relationship control over time.

Many obstacles exist for arranging highly favorable ERP access cost and terms.  The link below accesses a white paper that covers:

  1. The intolerable expectations of the ERP industry to control the buyer
  2. Initial and ongoing ERP cost control objectives for buyers to seek
  3. Strategy and tactics to achieve highly favorable ERP access costs

To be avoided is published ERP system cost guides or cost comparisons of ERP software.  Such information would be immediately inaccurate for buyers who know how to control the buying process.