Poor ERP Commercial terms—the reason for runaway ERP system costs over time

Poor ERP Commercial Terms
— the main reason for runaway ERP system costs over time

Commercial terms for ERP access provided by sellers are simply awful. That is, awful for buyers but quite stellar for sellers. However, there are techniques for buyers to achieve balance in contracts, and in turn achieve balance in the resultant commercial relationship and ERP system costs over time.

Our white paper on fixing ERP contracts includes sections on:

  1.   History of Contracts for Accessing ERP – and why the situation has worsened in recent years.
  2.   Key Contract Objectives to Achieve – for the ERP buyer to have proper commercial controls.
  3.   Tactics to Expect from the ERP Seller – as driven by the ERP industry sales culture.
  4.   Tactics for ERP Buyers – to rise above the large obstacles to making real progress.

Over the life of the ERP usage there is a large amount of money and important commercial control in play—money and control that will be lost if typical industry terms are accepted. The information here can help you be a winner in this high-stakes game.